Homecall Christmas Fayre 2024
On Saturday 23rd November lots of people braved the windy weather to attend the Homecall Christmas Fayre. We had lots of lovely stalls varying from crafts, cakes, Christmas goodies and so much more. People attending where able to enjoy some delicious bacon rolls or mince pies with a tea or coffee .
A very big thank you to all those that helped on the day or in the preparations and to all those that came along to support the event.
We raised an incredible £1278.
Homecall Open Gardens and Afternoon Cream Tea 2024
On Saturday 29th July Homecall held their Open Garden and Afternoon Cream Tea event. Five beautiful gardens opened for people to look around and the delightful cream tea was served at St Augustine’s Church Hall. Homecall had a wonderful team of helpers on the day making sure that everything ran smoothly and ensured the day was a success. Thank you to all those who helped and supported this event which raised £2454 for Homecall.

Homecall Curry and Quiz Night April 2024

On Tuesday 16th April Homecall had a fundraising dinner and quiz at the Shiplu, Bexhill. Those attending enjoyed a variety of delicious dishes, a quiz and a raffle. Thank you to Cllr Abul Azad and his team and all those that attended and supported the event.
Homecall Winter Quiz Night February 2024
On Saturday 17th February twelve teams enjoyed a fun quiz night at St Augustine’s Church hall to. The event raised an incredible £500. Thank you to our Quiz Master, Danny and to Patricia and Jill for helping. Thank you to the sixty people that came along to enjoy the Quiz !

Homecall Christmas Lunch 2023
On 4th December many Homecall clients, volunteers and supporters enjoyed a traditional Christmas Lunch at the Egerton Park indoor Bowls Club.
As well as a delicious meal and dessert the guests enjoyed a sing along to some Christmas songs, a raffle and a visit from Father Christmas and one of his helpers who had a gift for all the good boys and girls.
Here are some pictures of our guests and Father Christmas and his helper.

Homecall Christmas Fayre 25th November 2023
On 25th November Homecall held our annual Christmas Fayre at St Martha’s Church Hall in Little Common.
There was a lovely selection of stalls that included crafts, flowers, cakes and a tombola and a raffle. We also had bacon rolls and mince pies avalible as refreshments.
Below is a picture of Homecall Supporter Vernon his Elf and Safety uniform (far left) One of our volunteers Wendy (centre) and Bexhill Mayor Cllr Lynn Brailsford (far right) .
The event was opened by Bexhill Mayor Cllr Lynn Brailsford. The Fayre was well attended and raised an incredible £1452 for Homecall !

Homecall Open Gardens 24th June 2023
On Saturday 24th June the sun shone for the Homecall Open Gardens and Afternoon Cream Tea.
We were so fortunate to be able to offer those attending the opportunity to experience 4 gardens, all very different but equally outstanding and beautiful.
The cream tea was again served at St Augustine’s Church Hall.
Thank you to all of those that opened their gardens, attended and helped in preparations and on the day, we are so very grateful for your support.
If you are interested in opening your garden for Homecall in 2024 please contact Homecall Scheme Manager Claire claire.homecall@gmail.com
Here are some pictures from each of the beautiful gardens the opened in 2023.

Homecall VIP Hub Coronation Celebrations 4th May 2023

Thank you so much to our lovely supporter Sally who made an incredible Union Jack cake. Not only did it look amazing it was very delicious too !
On Thursday 4th May those who attended our VIP drop in coffee morning at Wetherspoon, The Picture Playhouse enjoyed a Coronation themed quiz and a slice of cake.
Homecall Quiz Night February 2023

On Saturday 25th February Homecall held a fundraising quiz night. This was the first quiz held since before the Covid -19 lockdown. 56 Attendees enjoyed a fun quiz and a raffle. The quiz raised £445. Well done to the winning team. We had such a lot of fun we forgot to take photos !
Homecall Christmas Party 2022
The Homecall Christmas Party was held on the 5th of December 2022 at the Egerton Indoor Bowls Club.
Lots of our Homecall members, volunteers, trustees and supporters had a very lovely and festive time at the Homecall Christmas Lunch. The lunch was sponsored by the Co-op Community Funding from 2021.
Below is a picture of Father Christmas and his helper handing out Christmas gifts.
Below are two photo of some of our lovely guests.
Below is a picture of some of our lovely guests.
We enjoyed a traditional Christmas Lunch, followed by a trifle or Christmas Pudding, then mince pies, coffee and chocolates.
Father Christmas called in with a present for all the good boys and girls and we had a wonderful singer to keep us entertained.
Below is a picture of some of our guests enjoying themselves having a dance.
Homecall Charity Christmas Fayre 2022

Above is a picture of Bexhill Mayor Councillor Paul Plim with Homecall Chairman Peter Stiles opening the Christmas Fayre.
The Homecall Charity Christmas Fayre was held on the 26th of November 2022 at St Martha’s Church Hall in Little Common.
We had lots of wonderful handmade craft stalls as well as a raffle, sweetie tombola and cakes.
On the day we had a minor problem that prevented the delicious bacon rolls from being cooked in the hall, fortunately we had some quick-thinking helpers who rallied around and cooked the bacon outside!
The Christmas Fayre was well attended and a great success raising just over £900 for Homecall.
Below is a picture of Bexhill Mayor Councillor Paul Plim and our helpers cooking the bacon.
Below is a picture of Elf and Safety officer Vernon with some of his wooden crafts.
Below is a picture of some of our talented crafters.
Homecall Open Gardens and Cream Tea 2022
Homecall Open Gardens 2022 took place on Saturday 25th June. The sun shone and the temperature was perfect for a stroll around the 3 beautiful gardens. The event was very enjoyable and some lovely comments where received about all of the gardens and the event as a whole. There was a variety of stalls across the locations and a delightful cream tea to be enjoyed at St Augustine’s. A huge thank you to everyone that helped to make the day such a success.
Below is a shot from one of the delightful gardens.

Above is a photo of some of the helpers from the Open Gardens with the Mayor of Bexhill Cllr Paul Plim and Homecall Scheme Manager Claire .
Below is a shot from one of the delightful gardens.

Above is a picture of Homecall Supporter Rita who kindly opened her garden with Bexhill Mayor Cllr Paul Plim.
Below is a shot from one of the delightful gardens

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Sussex Community Foundation Champagne Tea
President, Jenny Private and Scheme Manager, Leah Norman were honoured to attend the Sussex Community […]
Summer Afternoon Quiz
A great afternoon of fun was enjoyed by everyone who came to Homecall’s summer afternoon […]
Sophie and Friends Entertain
Sophie and friends entertained more than 60 people at the Bexhill United F.C. clubhouse in […]
Bexhill Carnival 2017
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