Homecall - Home visiting Scheme
Homecall currently maintains a list of between 50 and 60 Volunteer Visitors with a similar number of Clients. Through our network of trained and vetted Volunteer Visitors we offer regular visits to Clients usually once a week, to help with a variety of tasks made difficult by sight loss. Our Volunteer Visitors help the substantially visually impaired maintain their independence, stay in their own homes and relieve social isolation enabling access to the community.
Each ‘matching’ is monitored closely: Volunteer Visitors are required to submit reports and the Scheme Manager periodically telephones or visits Clients to review the matching. A Volunteer Visitors may be matched with more than one Client. Clients are referred from a variety of sources — principally, Adult Social Care, other charities for the visually impaired, GP surgeries, other health services and Age Concern. Self referrals are also accepted.

“Very nice to know that there is someone to turn to”
Homecall Client
Each Thursday Homecall has a drop in Coffee Morning for the Visually Impaired in Bexhill and surrounding areas.
It is known as the VIP (Visually Impaired Person) Hub and is supported by Wetherspoon, The Picture Playhouse and some of our Volunteer Visitors.
Tea, coffee and biscuits are supplied. It is a great opportunity to get to know other visually impaired people in the area.